Worth A Try – now available

Has it really been five months since I wrote anything on the blog? In my defense, I did finally get Worth A Try published on Amazon. That place is just like a rugby team. They’ll let anyone that shows up play. I wanted to make sure that everything else was squared away in conjunction with the publication (Do you still even call it that if it’s just a Kindle ebook?). I did a last edit. Read more…

Let’s get things started

Since I’m probably the only person on the planet who has seen this web site, I’ll start things off with the first question from our Contact form.  Question from myself: “What the fuck is this all about?”  Answer: In addition to playing rugby… and thinking about rugby… and having a few beers with folks that appreciate a little rugby, I’ve always enjoyed reading. I know that may seem like an odd combination, but I found Read more…